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Sources générales

Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario publishes lists of community services and special events, one called 211Ottawa (see main page), and another called The information is updated regularly and is available is available in both English and French.

Le Service coordination soutien (SCS) est une ressource clé dans la région d'Ottawa pour les services/soutiens destinés aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle.

L'outil " Mon outil de recherche " de SCS est une bonne source pour des sujets tels que le logement, les soins de santé, le répit, le transport, etc.

Il existe de nombreuses autres ressources qui fournissent des informations sur les expériences et les réussites des familles en matière de défense des droits. Certaines sont énumérées ci-dessous.


Le gouvernement de l'Ontario a un site Web qui décrit les ressources pour les enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux.

CanChild is a research centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, focused on children and youth with developmental conditions. Their website also provides a list of support programs in Ontario.

Special Needs and Moving On - Projets du Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes et du Syndicat des employés des postes et communications.

Although created and managed by national postal unions, the above is a bilingual website, featuring resources and peer support for families, focusing on children/school age needs. Interesting project.

Éducation accessible

Commission ontarienne des droits de la personne. Politique de l'éducation aux élèves handicapés.

Inclusion Action en Ontario

Ce site Web est le produit de deux parents d'Ottawa ayant des enfants d'âge scolaire atteints d'autisme. Les cartes routières et le site Web font référence aux étapes et aux préoccupations à divers âges.

Santé et soins dentaires

The Ottawa Dental Society has a website with a search tool for finding dentists who take patients on Ontario Disability Support Program.

Le Bureau d'accessibilité de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa fournit des renseignements sur les services hospitaliers destinés aux personnes handicapées.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto runs a special research program devoted to mental health issues of individuals with a developmental disability, called: Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disability (H-CARDD). This program runs many programs virtually, many of which engage individuals and families from across the country.

Répit et soutien aux travailleurs is a provincial resource with information about agencies and individuals offering respite and other support services. Each community in Ontario inputs their own content. In Ottawa, and parts of the eastern region, individuals can create a profile of their respite needs, which is then matched with the profile of an individual service provider. The original Worker Bank was set up in Ottawa the 1980s by a mom to help other families find support workers.

Vie autonome

Le site Web de Ottawa Independent Living Resource Centre (OILRC) is part of a Canada wide network of independent living centres. Located on Montreal Road in Ottawa, the OILRC offers social activities and training programs for persons with a disability. They also co-ordinate applications for a program of the Ministry of Health, for individuals who are able to employ personal attendants, under the MoH Direct Funding – Self Managed Attendant Services program

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